
The Results of the All India Senior School Certificate Examination-2023-24 (Class XII CBSE)

                                                             SCIENCE GROUP

School First

R.Athulya                                  485/500

School Second:
S Suriya                                    482/500

School Third:
Sai Venkatraman                     480/500

                                                             Commerce Group:

School First

A Akshaya.                             481/500

School Second

S Nithyashree.                     480/500

School Third

S Monikaa                              474/500

Chemistry 1 centum
Computer science 1 centum
Biology 1 centum

Marketing 1 centum

The Results of the All India Secondary School  Examination-2023-24(Class X CBSE)

School First

T A Srinivasan                      491/500

School Second

Harini Shriram                      482/500

School Third

H Adharsha                           479/500

2 centums in Mathematics and Tamil
1 centums in Science and Sanskrit